Zest Security Raises $5M to Enhance AI-Powered Cloud Risk Resolution Platform

Zest Security is committed to redefining the approach to cloud security by integrating advanced AI technologies that streamline the identification and resolution of security risks.

Company Name: Zest Security
Location: New York City, NY, USA
Sector: Cybersecurity, Cloud Technology
Funding Details: Raised $5M in funding. The investment was supported by Hanaco Ventures, Silvertech Ventures, and several angel investors.

Purpose of Investment: To expand operations and enhance development efforts.

Leadership: Led by CEO Snir Ben Shimol and CTO Uri Aronovici.

Product and Innovation: Zest Security offers an AI-powered cloud risk resolution platform designed specifically for security and DevOps teams. The platform provides tailored resolution paths that include both mitigation and remediation strategies, utilizing code adjustments and existing controls to effectively address vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in cloud environments.

About the Company: Zest Security is committed to redefining the approach to cloud security by integrating advanced AI technologies that streamline the identification and resolution of security risks. The platform's innovative use of AI assists teams in not only detecting but also resolving potential threats efficiently, thereby maintaining robust security standards.

Global Presence: Besides its headquarters in New York City, Zest Security also operates an office in Tel Aviv, Israel, reflecting its international scope and the global relevance of cloud security solutions.

Future Plans: With the new funding, Zest Security aims to further scale its operations, continue the development of its advanced risk resolution platform, and strengthen its market position as a leader in AI-driven cloud security solutions. This expansion will enable Zest Security to support a broader range of organizations in enhancing their cloud security posture.